Thursday, 23 December 2010

Joyeux Noël / Fröhe Weihnachten / Happy Christmas!

And yet again another month has passed without finding time to update on here - really must try harder! It has been a busy month with birthdays and moving.

In amongst the chaos has been some good news - I passed my French module! Results came out last week and I gained a level 2 pass which I'm pleased with. Slightly disappointed in the result for my written exam which was lower than I would have liked, but thankfully it was enough to keep me in the same level. Very surprisingly the result for my disastrous spoken exam was much better - whether allowances were made for the technical nightmares I don't know, but I am relieved it didn't affect my grade.

The other good news is that I have received funding for a job shadowing trip to Toulouse next year. I have already started exchanging emails with the school and the children are going to start writing in the New Year. However, just to confuse me I have received a package of letters from another school in the Tolouse area - not sure what's going on there but will have to wait until I can speak to the Languages co-ordinator once we are back at school! Maybe we've been twinned with 2 schools for some reason!

Studying is ongoing, albeit at a slightly reduced rate. I received a good score on my first German assignment so need to carry that on. With two new modules due to start in February I need to make the most of January to get ahead as much as I can. More good news is that the tutorials have been moved from Cambridge to Norwich for the next couple of months, so at least I should be able to get to those.

My other current project is my 40th birthday party! Having not had a party since I was 13, decided this was the time to push the boat out! Have booked a local hotel for the evening and a friend's band is going to play. I'm really looking forward to the evening and hope that friends that I haven't seen for a while will be able to come along. So January will also be a month of healthy eating and exercise as I would like to buy a new dress for the party!

Given my previous form, I am guessing that this will be my last post for the year! I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year,

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