Friday, 12 November 2010

Some positive news for once...

I feel re-invigorated! I had been feeling as though my goal of becoming a teacher was doomed to failure, having been told by various people on the TES forum that my degree wouldn't be good enough to get me on a MFL PGCE course as I hadn't spent a year abroad refining my fluency. But last night I went to a secondary PGCE open evening at my local university (the one I would want to do my PGCE at) and spoke to the tutors. I was delighted to learn from the curriculum tutor that my lack of time abroad would not prevent me from getting an interview (unlike the poor girl next to me who had a linguistics degree and was told it probably wouldn't be good enough!). So now I need to ensure that I: a) get a good degree result, b) get as much classroom experience as I can in the next couple of years, and c) keep practising my languages as much as I can to ensure I am as fluent as I possibly can be.

a) is very much dependent on the grades I get for my modules, so I need to knuckle down and ensure I get the best results I can. Next year will be key - my first level 3 course and the results from that will make a big differene to my overall degree grade. Although I am taking some level 1 courses at the same time, I must make sure I give priority to the level 3. To help keep my French going during the break I am taking part in an OU project on collaboration with 3 other European universities which will ensure I keep speaking and writing French in between courses.

b) needs me to be more proactive - I need to get into some secondary schools to observe classes. I've signed up for a scheme via the university which helps to get into schools, but as yet haven't had the time to go on the induction course! Must do this before February when the level 3 course kicks in!

c) well, this is down to me. I am guilty of taking the easy route and only doing what I need to in order to get through assignments, but I know I need to take my language learning to another level so that my fluency improves - not just in speaking but in listening and writing as well. I have numerous French DVDs and books that I have bought and then not watched or read - well the time has come to unwrap them and learn from them! Moving to a new house with no Sky TV, plus an absent husband, should help as I will have the time to watch French films with no distractions.! Also, I should find out next week if my funding has been agreed to spend 10 days in a French school - that will be a huge help if it happens!

I'm still not 100% sure that I want to teach secondary as primary has its attractions, but I hope that once I have spent some time in a secondary I will be nearer to a decision. At least I know that the doors to secondary teaching are not closed and I will do all I can over the next 3 years to ensure I have as good a chance as possible fo getting the PGCE place I want.

1 comment:

  1. That is really good news, Julie! Good luck with the move.
