Friday 9 September 2011

Back to school

I have loved spending the holiday with my children. but I have also loved getting back to work this week. Tuesday was an INSET day, spent mostly sorting out the classroom ready for this year. I have ripped up so many old books this week it is ridiculous! I don't work Wednesdays (at the minute!), so Thursday was my first real time back in school. We have a lovely class this year and I am really looking forward to working with them. I spent most of today sorting the cupboard again, but it was quite therapeutic! I have been asked to take the4 Year 6s for French, which I am really looking forward to. It will be a bit daunting, but I hope I will be able to really improve their language skills by the time they leave next year. I am already looking at how I can refresh what they learnt last year. As from next week I am changing my work days, although I have unfortunately had to turn down some extra hours as I have my OU work to finish.

September is a bit of a mad month - 2 end of course German assessments plus a French dissertation, then a spoken assessment for each course. I am so looking forward to October when I will only have one course on the go (Children's Literature) although I think it is going to be a tough course to pass.

In October I will need to submit my PGCE application. I am spending a couple of days on a high school next week for observation, but know I want to apply for Primary. Just need to make sure my personal statement is up to scratch. Have spoken to my class teacher about looking at his plans and assessment, so I have a bit ore of an idea what I am doing!

It is going to be a busy, but rewarding, few months.