Thursday 28 October 2010

All change in the madhouse

Not sure where the last month has gone! I had my written French exam a couple of weeks ago and I think it went ok. 450 words on the subject 'are virtual worlds useful?' - I think I followed the correct French essay structure and managed to shoehorn in the grammar I wanted to, so now I just have to wait until December to see whether I manage a pass or not! Although my German course doesn't officially start until next week, I have made a tentative start and to my dismay don't seem to have remembered as much as I had hoped...maybe as I get further into it more will come back to me.

As if I don't have enough to do, I have also signed up for a project that the OU is taking part in along with a couple of European universities. It will give me the opportunity to practise my French until my next course starts, as well as using some German. I'm looking forward to something a bit different.

Talking of different, it is all change at home. Hubby is now working away from home during the week, so I am a single parent from Monday to Thursday. Added to that, we are finally moving into our barn conversion next month, so we are frantically getting everything ready for that!

So lots of changes over the next few months - life is never dull!