Monday, 10 May 2010

A bit about me.

I have decided to start blogging to record some of my thoughts and frustrations on my current 'career' as a mature student and, hopefully, future teacher. Teaching was always the job I wanted, as far back as I can remember. However, the offer of a job at the age of 16, together with encouragement from my parents that working in a bank would be a good career, led to dropping out of college and embarking on 20 years of working for a high street bank -a decision I have always regretted.

Four years ago, after the birth of my fourth child, I finally escaped from the bank! Two years of being a full-time Mum was great, but I started to feel I wanted something to do! After lots of thought, I decided to study towards the degree I always wanted, with a view to going on to train as a teacher afterwards. With 4 children, a traditional university was never going to be an option so, in September 2008, I embarked on my first course with the Open University.

I am aiming to achieve a degree in Modern Language Studies. So far, I have completed four courses at Level 1:

  • Understanding Children (10 points) My first OU course completed in December 2008 and taken to try and get back into the swing of studying

  • Bon depart: beginners French (30 points) Completed October 2009

  • Ouverture: intermediate French (30 points) Completed October 2009

  • Action in French (Summer School) (10 points) Completed September 2009

With the two 30 point French courses, I am now the holder of a Certificate in French!

At the moment I am studying two level 2 courses:

  • Exploring the English Language (60 points) Started October 2009 and due to finish June 2010

  • Envol: upper intermediate French (60 points) Started February 2010 and due to finish October 2010

Still a long way to go but I am enjoying exercising my brain again. With a lot of work (and a lot of luck!) I should finish my degree in October 2012, providing I can take the remaining courses when I need to. Then comes the even harder part - trying to get onto teacher training, either via PGCE or GTP. Before that, I need to decide whether I am going to go for teaching languages at Secondary school, or whether to train for Primary. I currently work in a Primary school for 8 1/2 hours a week as a Learning Support Assistant and am fortunate to work with the language subject leader who is very supportive.

I am aiming to blog some of my thoughts and reflections here so that I have a record of my time as a student.

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