Monday, 17 May 2010

Revision, or procrastination?

Hmm, revision isn't going well! Whenever I sit down with the aim of revising, I manage to find so many more interesting things to do - like ironing! I can't keep putting of revising, as in 4 weeks time the exam will be over, so I really need to get stuck in. But it is so demoralising when I go back through the books and can't remember anything!

Clearly I need to hone my revision skills; a study skills session at the weekend didn't really help as I was hoping it would. My current plan is to complete my Glossary of 100 terms that have to be learned (almost done), and try to learn them using index cards and practising writing out the definitions. Then I need to identify and understand the analytical frameworks - I was rather demoralised by some posts on the OU forum where everyone else had loads of great ideas but I had none! Then it's revising the blocks - I'm aiming for 2 out of 4 to revise as thoroughly as I can and then maybe having a read-through of the other 2.

I'm trying to be proactive in my revision - writing notes and making mind maps (I hate those things!) rather than just reading. Notes are appearing on the kitchen cupboards to try and prompt my failing memory, much to the children's amusement.

I would probably benefit from somebody turning off my Internet connection when I am supposed to be revising, as it is too tempting to check e-mails and OU forums then getting sidetracked for half an hour before getting back to the books! And when the weather is sunny, as it was today, going for a walk is a welcome distraction. I would head to the library to revise, but would probably end up reading a novel rather than my textbooks!

Somewhere in amongst this revision, I have a French essay to submit - haven't looked at the French books for a couple of weeks now! C'est la vie!

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Is Primary for me?

Don't get me wrong - I really enjoy my job as a Learning Support Assistant. However there are times when I think that working as a Primary School teacher may not be for me, and today was one of those days! I have no problem working with the children on literacy and numeracy, can get stuck into science, geography and history and, of course, relish the language sessions! Yet I come unstuck when it comes to practical sessions.

Today the class was finishing off a session on Roald Dahl that we have been working on for a few weeks. The children have written their own scenes for the books they have been reading and have made puppets and scenery so that they can perform the scene. I find the art / DT lessons so frustrating - leaving the children to try and resolve problems for themselves when I want to get stuck in and tell them how to sort things out! I find it difficult to step back and keep quiet! Plus the whole lack of structure of that kind of lesson is something I struggle with. Clearly an area I need to work on if I am to succeed in Primary, or maybe that is my cue ot look more at Secondary??

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Exam worries

In just under 5 weeks time, I am due to sit an exam for the first time in 15 years! Three hours of writing, in silence - I'm panicking already. Have started revision, but it really doesn't seem to be sinking in. How did I remember things when I was younger? I guess I didn't have so many other things floating round in my head and I could concentrate just on what I was trying to remember, rather than thinking about the housework and laundry, or whether I have enough food in the house for the hungry hoardes! (Answer - probably not!)

I am trying to revise 'properly' with lots of sticky notes, highlighters, writing things down, trying to construct mindmaps and so on, which is a far cry from the days of 'O' levels when I just had a read through of the books and miraculously the information stuck. My brain and memory have clearly suffered over the years.

The other thing that is suffering is my time spent with the children - studying and revision seems to be taking precedent over everything else and the children are fending for themselves rather a lot! I keep trying to convince myself that it will all be worth it when I have finished, although the thought of packing it all in and applying for a job at the local supermarket has its appeal as well at times.

Ah well, back to the books and a session on 'Accent as a social status' - can't wait!

Monday, 10 May 2010

A bit about me.

I have decided to start blogging to record some of my thoughts and frustrations on my current 'career' as a mature student and, hopefully, future teacher. Teaching was always the job I wanted, as far back as I can remember. However, the offer of a job at the age of 16, together with encouragement from my parents that working in a bank would be a good career, led to dropping out of college and embarking on 20 years of working for a high street bank -a decision I have always regretted.

Four years ago, after the birth of my fourth child, I finally escaped from the bank! Two years of being a full-time Mum was great, but I started to feel I wanted something to do! After lots of thought, I decided to study towards the degree I always wanted, with a view to going on to train as a teacher afterwards. With 4 children, a traditional university was never going to be an option so, in September 2008, I embarked on my first course with the Open University.

I am aiming to achieve a degree in Modern Language Studies. So far, I have completed four courses at Level 1:

  • Understanding Children (10 points) My first OU course completed in December 2008 and taken to try and get back into the swing of studying

  • Bon depart: beginners French (30 points) Completed October 2009

  • Ouverture: intermediate French (30 points) Completed October 2009

  • Action in French (Summer School) (10 points) Completed September 2009

With the two 30 point French courses, I am now the holder of a Certificate in French!

At the moment I am studying two level 2 courses:

  • Exploring the English Language (60 points) Started October 2009 and due to finish June 2010

  • Envol: upper intermediate French (60 points) Started February 2010 and due to finish October 2010

Still a long way to go but I am enjoying exercising my brain again. With a lot of work (and a lot of luck!) I should finish my degree in October 2012, providing I can take the remaining courses when I need to. Then comes the even harder part - trying to get onto teacher training, either via PGCE or GTP. Before that, I need to decide whether I am going to go for teaching languages at Secondary school, or whether to train for Primary. I currently work in a Primary school for 8 1/2 hours a week as a Learning Support Assistant and am fortunate to work with the language subject leader who is very supportive.

I am aiming to blog some of my thoughts and reflections here so that I have a record of my time as a student.