Well, seems like forever since I wrote on here, probably because I just haven't really had the time. PGCE is, as expected, taking up most of my time but I am still loving it which is a good thing!
Finished my first block placement just before Christmas and it all seemed to go well. Lesson observations were, on the whole, positive although of course there is still a lot for me to learn and lots that I can do to improve my lessons. I'm looking forward to going back to that school in a few weeks for a month block so that I can really get stuck in with planning and teaching.
For now I've just started at another school, but with the recent snowfall I haven't had as many days there as I should have! School is closed again today due to problems with the heating, so I am trying to get on with some work although its not easy when I have all four children here as well, as their schools are also closed. I am going to start my Primary Languages Assignment at some point today though - honest! I need to get into school at some point this week as I need to gather evidence for my final three assignments - Languages, Maths and English. If I can't the the evidence it is going to make the assignments quite tricky to write!
Can't quite believe we are already a term through the course - it is going so quickly. Back at UEA next week for more curriculum sessions and it will be good to catch up with everyone. Hopefully we'll also get results back on some of the work we've already submitted, although I'm not overly confident. Have managed to pass both QTS tests though, so at least they are crossed off the list. In less than 6 months we will (hopefully!) graduate and all being well I will also have a job lined up. Not looking forward to the job hunting - it will be weird going for jobs probably against people I have got to know on the course.
As the children appear to be occupied for a short while, I really ought to get on with some work! Will try and update here again when I can.