Friday, 14 September 2012

The first week of a new career

So I have just finished the first week of my Primary PGCE. It has been an interesting week and I will be very happy if it continues in the same vein for the rest of the year. That is not to say  that I am not extremely tired and brain dead - I am not used to concentrating so hard for 7 hours a day and then coming home and doing another 3-4 hours work (as well as looking after the family)!

So far this week I have had two maths tutorials on calculation (ok so far) and a day of language and literacy which brought back memories of several OU modules! A science tutorial where we melted ice and looked at how to make fruit and vegetables sink or float; a music tutorial and an art tutorial where my comfort levels were severely tested ( I am not artistic in the slightest and being given the word 'jagged' with which to create a collage almost finished me off!), and a history tutorial which I really enjoyed. The lectures have been interesting and I have met a wide spectrum of people - some like me coming from a very different working environments and some straight from their under graduate courses.

I was slightly put out to discover I was the only person in my tutorial group who had children - I am definitely one of the older people on the course but I do feel that gives me some advantages over those who are fresh from under-grad courses. Thankfully my teaching group seems to have a slightly wider range of people, although I am still one of (if not the) oldest.

I am looking forward to finding out next week where my placements will be - this will have a big impact on the rest of the course. There is a lot of work related to placements so it will be very important to get on with my school mentor and the rest of the school.

Monday is a study day and I already have a long list of work that I need to do over the next three days. For every hour at uni, I am supposed to do an hour of self-directed study. I'm not sure there are that many hours in the day! The reading list is about an inch thick! Ah well, they told us today for the English Audit that littel and often is the key - I think I'm changing that to a lot and often. Basically, if I'm not in uni, I should be doing some other work in some way, be it reading or writing an assignment, or preparing for the next tutorial.

So I need to accept that I will have no life for the next year. My family won't see me much; they certainly won't remember that if I'm last home they need to save some food for me! I will be permanently tired and possibly a bit grumpy. Yet I will be learning loads and finally doing the one thing I have always wanted to do.

It will be worth it.

Saturday, 19 May 2012

The end of an era

That's it. I have just hit the submit button to send my final Open University essay off for marking. Having been studying for my degree since September 2008, I feel sad and actually quite bereft that it is now over. I always thought that I would study more modules with the OU in future, for pleasure rather than for qualifications, but with the increase in fees that just isn't going to be feasible. I have met some great people over the 9 modules I have taken and had some tutors that were definitely better than others! The two weeks that I spent in Caen were definitely highlights of my OU experience and, if we weren't already booked to go to France on holiday this summer, I would be trying to find a way to go again this year! But, life moves on and - while waiting for my results (gulp!) - I need to turn my attention to my PGCE starting in September. I'm not planning on doing loads of work over the summer, as this will be my first summer off in three years, but am going to do a few bits to get started. I made a start this morning - clearing out the cupboard that is going to mine for storing all my files and folders! (My stationery fetish means I am already collecting quite a few things that, while maybe not entirely practical, will be very pretty to help with my studies!) I have a pile of books from a friend who did the PGCE a couple of years ago to start flicking through, plus I want to read as many different children's books as I can, as we have to do a Literacy Audit which contains a review of Children's Literature (I knew this last module would be useful for something!). Also on my 'to do' pile are practise books for the Literacy and Numeracy tests; I'm reasonably confident but could do with brushing up on some skills. I had the opportunity to see a bit of what life will be like this time next year, when we held interviews at school for a new teacher. This is prime NQT job hunting time, so we had lots of applicants. Reading the applications gave me a good idea of what to include when I get ready to start applying for jobs and - more importantly - what not to include! The interview day itself was also really interesting, and has given me a feel for the sort of questions that get asked and the expected answers. So, farewell OU, thanks for everything, it's been a fun, if tough three years and I wouldn't have done it any other way. I just hope I get the degree classification I want at the end of it all!! Roll on August for the results.

Friday, 27 April 2012

One essay to go..

So, I have recently submitted my latest OU essay and I now have just one essay to go before I finish my OU degree. It feels quite strange to be coming to the end of my OU studies, as it has been such a big part of my life for the past 3 1/2 years. Yet it is the end of what I have been working towards for those 3 1/2 years, so I am glad to finally be there. Just 3000 words stands between me and a £5000 bursary...if I can come out with a 2:1 I get a bursary; a 2:2 and I get nothing... Thankfully I have the opportunity to work extra hours at school this term, so am getting plenty of experience. I am saving every worksheet I see and taking note of how the teachers are working so that I have something to work from once I get to the UEA in September. I'm planning to get as much experience as I can across the key stages to boost my knowledge, as I know life isn't going to be easy from September. It would put my mind at ease if I could get my childcare sorted...!

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

This time last year...

...I was in sunny south-west France, spending time in a French school. I can't quite believe it was a year ago - the time has gone so quickly! I wish I was back there again though, I had a fantastic time and met some lovely people. Maybe one day - I could count is as professional development!

I am still in touch with the school and email the directrice quite regularly. The children from her class still correspond with the children in my class, which is something I think they have benefited from hugely. I just hope someone will carry on the link when I leave school in July. Anne (the directrice) knows I am leaving, and has already said that when I have finished training and am (hopefully!) in my own school, she would like to carry on corresponding with my new class. I feel a bit guilty that they will probably stop writing to my current school, but the link is very personal between Anne and myself and I would really like that to continue. Unless of course I find a job in a school that already has a French link - that could be a bit more awkward.

I'm hoping to set up a French club in school for the Summer term - I know it won't be for long but I hope it will enthuse some of the younger children. The reception children already love it when I get the chance to spend some time doing French with them and they pick it up so quickly. I think it helps that they have no inhibitions about getting things wrong - they just have a go at anything. Although I want to teach KS2, I hope that I will have the opportunity to do languages with younger children as well.

Friday, 30 March 2012

Long time no blog

Oops, has been rather too long since I last wrote on here. Time has been taken up with studying, family and illness in varying degrees. I'm still plodding on with my Children's Literature module and have just one assignment and the final end of module assessment to go. Considering this is my first foray into literature, I have been delighted with my scores and providing I carry on at the same level for these last two pieces of work I will come out with a pass 2 which will give me an overall 2:1 on my degree.

Work is still as much fun as ever - I have been working with a supply teacher this term and it has been interesting to observe different approaches to teaching. A new teacher starts next term, so I will have someone else to observe - all good experience for my PGCE! I'm also working extra hours until the end of the school year, so will have the chance to magpie away a few more ideas! I'm trying to gather as much information as I can before my course starts, so am bookmarking websites and taking note of what the children are reading to try and get some ideas.

There has been a lot of illness in the house over the past few months. February half term was a complete write off as I was laid up with flu for most of it, so it will be lovely to actually enjoy the holidays this time. We've also had sickness which has led to time off school - something of a rarity as I usually insist the children go in! Am hoping that is it for illness in this house for a while, as I can't afford to have time off from university for illness!

Exam season is starting as well - eldest daughter will be starting her GCSEs soon. Her exam timetable looks ridiculous. We have found a tutor to help with her science as that is something she is struggling with, so hopefully that will help. And prom dress shopping will be taking place over the holidays - I think my credit card may take a battering!

I'm looking forward to June when my module will be finished and I'll be able to read what I want, when I want. It will also be good not to feel guilty when I do something other than studying! I also need to make the most of my free time though, as I know it is something that will be seriously lacking from September!

Friday, 27 January 2012

Why I love my job

Have just spent a fabulous day with a range of Key Stage 2 children which emphasised just why I want to be a teacher and why I love being with children! We had a Key Stage 2 trip to the local Castle Museum for a Roman day - our topic for this half-term is Romans - and I had a lovely day! As a group we took part in 4 different workshops, and the enthusiasm and engagement of the children underlined for me why I want to spend my days in a classroom - the children loved what they were doing and if I can instil half of that enthusiasm in my lessons I will be very happy.

We had a session on Roman artifacts, another on life as an Iceni, a day as a Roman soldier and a session on making a torc. The children were beautifully behaved and , while I realise that life in a classroom is slightly different, I hope that I will - at some stage - be able to capture the children's imagination as much as they were captured today.

I came away from today with several ideas for lessons and lots of ideas of what appeals to children. Long may it last!

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Doing a happy dance....

On Friday evening I received an email from GTTR - the clearing site for PGCE applications - to say that my application had been updated. Cue knot in stomach as I dithered over the login screen - would it be good news or bad? My daughters were sitting next to me threatening to push me out of the way if I didn't log in and find out the answer. And there it was - conditional offer! I will admit I shed a few tears as I was so relieved to get a place (the condition is that I pass my degree - no surprise there). I have today hit the button to formally accept my place on the course so, degree permitting, as from September I will be a full-time student for a year.

Now comes the fun stuff - sorting childcare and finance. Not sure whether my lovely childminder can have both boys before and after school every day, so I may be calling on favours from friends! And, of course, finishing my current module - 1 assignment due in on Thursday then 4 more to go. Oh yes, and we moved back to our house at the weekend, so I'm surrounded by boxes! But at least I've got a connection to the internet again as from today :)